How to do Teeth Cleaning and Whitening Cost-Effectively Professionally

Teethos Dental
4 min readMay 2, 2023


Having a beautiful, white smile is something that many people strive for and it is easy to understand why. Those with bright, white smiles are often seen as more attractive and often more confident. Unfortunately, professional teeth cleaning and whitening can be quite expensive. But did you know that you can do it cost-effectively and professionally at home? With the right knowledge, tools, and techniques, you can achieve the same results as a professional at a fraction of the cost. In this article, we will discuss how to do teeth cleaning and whitening cost-effectively and professionally.

Understand the Different Types of Teeth Whitening Treatments

The first step in the process is to understand the different types of teeth whitening treatments available. This will help you determine which one is the best for you and your needs. Generally speaking, there are three main types of teeth whitening treatments: professional teeth whitening, over-the-counter (OTC) teeth whitening, and home teeth whitening. Each of these treatments has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to understand each one before making a decision.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is the most expensive option and should only be used as a last resort. It involves a dentist or dental hygienist applying a special bleaching agent to the teeth. This bleaching agent is usually hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which are both safe and effective. The bleaching agent is left on the teeth for a period of time and then removed by a professional. The results can be quite dramatic and can last for several years. However, this type of treatment can be quite expensive and is not always covered by insurance.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Teeth Whitening

Over-the-counter (OTC) teeth whitening products are much more affordable and can be purchased at any local drugstore. These products usually contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, as well as other ingredients such as sodium bicarbonate or hydrogen peroxide. These products can be used at home and are generally quite easy to use. However, these products are less effective than professional teeth whitening and can be quite messy.

Home Teeth Whitening

Home teeth whitening is a great way to achieve professional-looking results without spending a lot of money. There are a variety of different home whitening kits available that typically involve the use of whitening strips or gels. These products usually contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, as well as other ingredients such as sodium bicarbonate or hydrogen peroxide. These products can be used at home and can be quite easy to use. However, it is important to follow the instructions carefully, as these products can be quite messy and can cause irritation if not used properly.

Tips for Cost-Effectively Professional Teeth Whitening

Once you have determined which type of teeth whitening treatment is best for you, there are several tips that you can follow to make the process cost-effectively professional.

Choose the Right Whitening Agent

The first tip is to choose the right whitening agent. Generally speaking, hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide are the most common whitening agents used in professional teeth whitening treatments. It is important to choose the right agent for your particular needs, as some agents can be too strong and cause irritation.

Use the Right Amount of Whitening Agent

The second tip is to use the right amount of whitening agent. Generally speaking, the amount of whitening agent should be enough to cover the entire surface of the teeth. Too much agent can cause irritation, while too little can lead to uneven results.

Use the Right Technique

The third tip is to use the right technique. Generally speaking, professional teeth whitening treatments involve the use of a special bleaching tray. This tray should be used to evenly apply the whitening agent to the teeth. It is important to use the tray correctly to ensure even results.

Use the Right Products

The fourth tip is to use the right products. Generally speaking, professional teeth whitening treatments involve the use of special products such as bleaching trays, whitening gels, and whitening strips. It is important to use the right products for your particular needs, as some products can be too strong and cause irritation.

Follow Up Treatments

The fifth tip is to follow up on treatments. Generally speaking, professional teeth whitening treatments involve several follow-up treatments to maintain the results. These follow-up treatments can involve the use of whitening trays, whitening gels or whitening strips.


In conclusion, professional teeth whitening and cleaning can be quite expensive. However, with the right knowledge, tools, and techniques, you can achieve the same results as a professional at a fraction of the cost. By understanding the different types of treatments available, using the right whitening agent, using the right amount of whitening agent, using the right technique, using the right products, and following up treatments, you can do teeth cleaning and whitening cost-effectively professionally.

